PACE Application Process

PACE Application Process and Requirements
Initial applicants and existing PACE organizations seeking to expand a geographic service area and/or open a new PACE center must submit their applications electronically through the CMS Health Plan Management System (HPMS). The initial and Service Area Expansion (SAE) applications are largely attestation-based, accompanied by a series of uploaded documents as specified in the application.
Please note critical CMS deadlines.
Refer to the following resources for a complete explanation of the initial and SAE application process and requirements:
- PACE Organization Initial Application: This is a requirement for new PACE organizations.
- PACE Part D Application: The Medicare Part D application is required for new PACE organizations. CMS requires this application be submitted with the PACE organization initial application.
- PACE Organization SAE Application: The Service Area Expansion (SAE) application is required for existing PACE organizations seeking to expand their geographic service area, add a new PACE center (with the exception of adding a new PACE center that will replace an existing PACE center, for which there is separate guidance), or both.
- 2025 PACE Application and Waiver Request Quarterly Submission Dates: The 2025 deadlines related to submitting both initial and SAE applications are included. For initial applicants, the application timeline includes submission of a Notice of Intent to Apply (NOIA) and a request for access to the CMS Health Plan Management System (HPMS), which is needed to submit the application electronically through HPMS.
- Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Application Requirements/Process, 5/24/2021: This CMS YouTube video presentation provides an overview of the application process, including key information for both initial PACE applications for new PACE organizations, as well as service area expansion applications for active PACE organizations.
- HPMS PACE Application Training, 5/24/2021: This CMS YouTube video provides instructions about completing and submitting PACE applications in the Health Plan Management System (HPMS).
Note: The information provided here is specific to the CMS application process. The state application process for PACE varies by state. Applicants should work closely with their state to ensure state application requirements for PACE are followed. Applicants must be prepared to include a State Assurance with the application as required by CMS.
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